The Equality Tool, developed by WIFT Finland, was ceremoniously launched on May 31st 2024! The development of the automation-based reporting tool has been a long and thorough process, but it is all the more important for the advancement and monitoring of the audiovisual industry. With the tool creatives and production companies can generate an equality plan for an individual production, learning about their legal obligations, and expanding their knowledge about how to make more diverse content for more diverse audiences in the process. The tool helps measure equality in productions from script through production and post. Each step of the way The Equality Tool provides tips and best practices, for example, for recruiting and casting. It gives guidelines for safer workplaces and preventing harassment. For broadcasters, streamers and investors the tool can open eyes to new ways of doing better content and business and collect important statistical data about the equality of productions.

The launch event was opened by WIFT Finland’s current Executive Director, Reetta Ranta, with a speech on the development of equality and equity throughout history. WIFT Finland’s former Executive Director, lawyer Eeva-Sofia Anttonen, explained the legislation behind the tool’s creation and development. The event culminated in a panel discussion where major financiers of the Finnish film and TV industry shared their views and reflected on their roles in promoting equality and equity. The discussion was moderated by WIFT Finland’s Head of the Board, Professor Elina Knihtilä.

WIFT Finland is grateful to everyone who has supported them in the development of the Equality Tool and participated in this important discussion. Next, the work continues by adding the ability to collect statistical data into the tool. The Equality Tool is financed by the Finnish Film Foundation and the Ministry of Education and Culture, and developed in partnership with Audiovisual Producers Finland APFI, Helsinki Casting, Finnish Broadcasting Company (Yle), AVEK Audiovisual Centre, Business Finland and numerous production companies. The interactive form used for the tool is provided by their partner M-Files.

The Equality Tool is only in Finnish for now, but WIFT Finland are happy to consult other WIFT chapters on how to get it implemented in various regions. For more information, contact their office at Towards a more equal future!

IMAGE CREDIT: Veera Lamminpää
IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Major financiers of the Finnish film and TV industry gathered to discuss equality at the Finnish Film Foundation’s K-13 theatre during the launch event.